8. May to 26. June 2016

"Schläft ein Lied in allen Dingen"
("A tune sleeps in everything")

Caroline von Bodecker
Susanne Kraißer
Bettina Moras
Peer Oliver Nau
Uwe Reher

The second exhibition in 2016 shows five different artists under the slogan of the romantic poem „Wünschelrute” by Joseph von Eichendorff from 1835. The poem is about the hidden and sleeping tunes in every object. It tells you to find the magic word to make the world singing.

„Schläft ein Lied in allen Dingen,
Die da träumen fort und fort,
Und die Welt hebt an zu singen,
Triffst du nur das Zauberwort.“

Artists and poets of the epoch of romanticism have often been considered as dreamers having idealistic ideas in the time of the industrial revolution. However romantic ideas can be found throughout all epochs - especially in times where developments of a new individualism take place. Nowadays, the time of digital revolution, the individual is confronted with unknown and new challenges.

You are invited to discover Caroline von Bodeckers (*1966) gracefully combined art-paperwork and ceramics. The use of handwritings in her pieces of art is outstanding and it reveals the threat of its apparent disappearance.

The explosive and powerful sensuality character of Bettina Moras’s (*1973) paintings seem to be in contrast to the graceful character mentioned before. But only at first sight. Her artistic ability uncovers the essence of the chosen motifs.

Susanne Kraißer (*1977) shows new pieces of plastic art which show existential dualism. The simplicity which might be seen first in the pieces of art of both artists is displaced by the complexity of metaphoric symbols to interpret the world, nature and the soul. This is what connects these two artists with romanticism.

In his powerful painting of flowers Uwe Reher (*1946) reveals the mystic interpretation of nature which is defined by romanticism. A blunt mind might be closed to this revelation whereas the romantic sensibility awakes their “singing”.

Peer Oliver Nau (*1971) finds “sleeping tunes” in every piece of wood which is in a raw state. His with the help of a chainsaw finished sculptures contributes the likewise to the romanticism belonging comical element to the exhibition.

You can find further impressions of the artists of our gallery in general following the structure of our German website: “Galerie” –> “Künstler” -> chose a name -> under the name you have chosen there will be shown the menu item “Eindrücke” on the right side of the page -> click here to see pictures of their pieces of art.